Thank you Wonderwool!

Back home and recovering from a busy, busy weekend, but just wanted to send a quick note out to everyone for making Wonderwool such an utterly amazing first show. Everyone I met was so, truly amazing, and what gorgeous countryside!

More on the show later this week when I can speak in full sentences again, but I leave you with this little image of joy – my daily view at the show, an inquisitive Gotland ewe:



Thank you Wonderwool Wales!

8 thoughts on “Thank you Wonderwool!

  1. What a sweet little face. I am the silliest about animals country person ever, it’s true. I’m glad you has a good time and I hope we’ll see a lot of ‘Kettle Creations’ cropping up constantly – hee hee. Have a rest and tell us all about it when you can.

  2. Thanks Linda, she is so sweet!!!! As a child I partly grew up on the island of Gotland with these sweeties all around. My favourites!! Bäääää!!!

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